.....we are in Academy and he hands the cashier his snack to scan and he says "Thank You" and when she ignores him he says with such sass "You're Welcome"
.....we are in Kroger and he throws a screaming fit because I won't open the cheerios, goldfish, cookies or juice that he feels he should have RIGHT NOW! Then have to have my husband come get him because someone might call CPS because I left him in the frozen food aisle screaming!
.....he wants to push his toys around the living room and politely (ha) tells me "Excuse You" because he must, must, must go behind me. (we apparently don't have enough space for him to roam)
......he bites me on the shoulder because I am trying to carry him, his bag, his bag of toys and a stroller down the stairs at the baseball field and I am just not moving at his requested speed - while he screams and yells NOOOOOO....
......he laughs straight to my face and totally disregards my request for him to pick up his cars off the bleacher floors before someone slips and falls
......laughs when I pick the cars up OVER and OVER and OVER again
Sorry I had to get those little vents off my chest! I hope everyone loves having a 2 year old as much as I do and can't wait for them to be 25! JK! I love him and we have good days and bad! Terrible Two's are here and Horrific Three's are coming so I keep telling myself it could be worse! I love my baby and hope everyone got some giggles from my little Trenton-isms (stole your phrase G)