Thursday, August 8, 2013

Kinder at a Glance

I cannot believe how much Trenton has grown up now that Kindergarten is over! He is such a mature little boy. His interests are changing from wrestling and cars to Baseball & sports! I had such a great time being a first time kinder Mom! I feel like a pro for 1st grade and when the littles start school!

The most important thing that I learned this year was to let him make his own choices (even what he wears!) and have fun! They are only little kids for a short time and I want them to enjoy it. I really feel blessed that I got to be home with Trenton for most of his first semester of kinder! I got to eat lunch with him when I wanted to and attend programs. There was no better look than seeing his face light up when the littles and I would show up to school to join him for lunch (at 10:30 AM)!

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When I grow up Class of 2025


It is so exciting to see what Trenton says he wanted to be at the beginning of kindergarten! I did ask him at the end of the year what he wanted to be and he said a person that reads to people!

Kinder Field Day - Trenton

May 2, 2013 was Trenton’s Kindergarten Field Day! The weather had been pretty rainy leading up to this day, but it all cleared out just long enough for the kinder friends to have their day! It was so much fun to share this special day with Trenton. Mrs. Carpentier is so patient with all of her kids!

We started the morning (9AM) with the popsicle station!


I guess it doesn’t matter what time of the day it is, popsicles will always make you smile!


Next up Crab Soccer

Each wall of kids was a team and they had to do the crab crawl while kicking a soccer ball. The object of the game was to get it out of the middle before the other team did!

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The we headed outside to the Gator Wash Station!

The object here was some kids in the middle had wet sponges and the other gators ran and tried to avoid getting wet! If you got hit with a sponge you were out!


Next the Ball Retrieval Game (i made this name up)

They had to run with a bucket on their head. Pick up a ball at the end and run back without the ball falling out. Look at these skills!

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Good old fashioned Potato Sack Races


And Giant Ball Races

Doesn’t he look like he is LOVING Life!


This game was called Gator Catch I think. The kids in the front had to run while the kid with the noodle chased them. If they caught them they had to hold the noodle and run together to the end.


This game was super silly. The object was to use the spray bottle to squirt the mad face off. You only had 3 sprays each so this game was a little lengthy. Trenton’s team won at the end!


My kindergator! I love this kid and cannot believe we just had field day. This means he will be leaving kinder soon and moving into 1st grade!


Trenton’s Wresting Party – 6 Years


April 14, 2013 we had Trenton’s 6th birthday party at Main Event. Trenton has been waiting until he was in Kindergarten to get to decide where to have his party. He is super obsessed with wrestling right now so I got him a wrestling cake. Gene took him to Wrestlmania a few weeks back and he has been obsessed with John Cena ever since! We had a great turn out for the party and Trenton had a blast.

We started off with an hour of bowling!

Then we headed to the party room for pizza, drinks, cakes and his favorite part GIFTS!

He got so many awesome presents from his friends. He is really one lucky kid to have so many friends to share his birthday with!

Then we headed to play Laser Tag. Trace & Peyton sat this one out, but they were in good hands with Aunt Laurie and Nana!

Finally the kids all got $10 playing cards for all of the arcade games!

This was by far the easiest, but LONGEST party I have ever thrown. We had an awesome party host who took care of us and made it very easy! I would highly recommend a party at Main Event on a Sunday because you get a much better deal!

Happy Birthday to my sweet first born!


Trenton – 6 years old

I can remember the day like it was yesterday. My sister Laurie took me to the doctor and I was hooked up to the stress test machine. They left and came back to tell me we were having a baby today. 6 weeks early! It was quite the fiasco because I had nothing packed and Gene had testing so it was like pulling teeth to get his class covered (thank you Kim Brewer)!

Trenton you are such a sweet, kind and caring little boy. You are very emotional, but care so much about others it melts my heart. You are generous in all aspects of your life. You are happy if everyone else is happy. Kindergarten has really matured you. You are hilarious and keep your Dad & I laughing. You are the best big brother to both Trace & Peyton (who adores you more than life itself).

  • Height: 42 inches
  • Weight: 41 lbs
  • Reading: Excellent – you will hopefully finish kinder a reading level ahead of where you are expected to be
  • Favorite Book: Bible / Dr. Seuss – Hop on Pop
  • Favorite Movie: Wreck it Ralph
  • Favorite Character: John Cena (wrestling)
  • Favorite Sport: Baseball (showing interest in basketball)
  • Favorite Team: Texans
  • Biggest Compliment from others: “How do you wipe that smile off his face? He is always such a happy kid”
