Thursday CCISD hosted their annual FFA Show. I love animals and so does T. My friend Gretchen asked us if we wanted to go and who would pass up on a free trip to see some animals!! I think that FFA is an awesome program to get kids involved and work towards scholarships for college. I would support T if he decided to do it one day (I am not so sure about Gene though). Well one of Gene’s students had a steer there and he was gorgeous!! It was so fun watching T run away from light up around the animals. He would keep saying he wanted to see the Cows, so we would go to the cows. Then he would want to go to the pigs, so we would walk over there. Finally realized he wasn’t fond of either! Geez! All of the kids were so excited to let T see their animals and he even got to feed some!
He loved the rabbits! ( he looks so grown up)
He was really into the lambs. Of all things!
Ok this goat was crazy. He kept biting at my shirt! His owner kept saying “Oh its just a nibble” T making sure the other one didn’t come near us!
That’s the face of pure excitement right there…T not me!
Did you know that pigs ate graham crackers? Apparently they play with basketballs and bowling balls too because a lot of them had them in their pins!
This is Gene’s students steer. SO PRETTY, but not so nice. He seriously kept mooing at us!
If there is a concession stand within 100 miles this kid will know about it and you will too! Eating dessert (an airhead)
This is a CB students heifer. She is preggo (the heifer not the student!)
They also had a silent auction. Ummm, no I did not bid on anything. I did think the items these kids made were amazing. This is a plant holder. A high school student made this! So unbelievable!