Thursday, August 8, 2013

Trenton – 6 years old

I can remember the day like it was yesterday. My sister Laurie took me to the doctor and I was hooked up to the stress test machine. They left and came back to tell me we were having a baby today. 6 weeks early! It was quite the fiasco because I had nothing packed and Gene had testing so it was like pulling teeth to get his class covered (thank you Kim Brewer)!

Trenton you are such a sweet, kind and caring little boy. You are very emotional, but care so much about others it melts my heart. You are generous in all aspects of your life. You are happy if everyone else is happy. Kindergarten has really matured you. You are hilarious and keep your Dad & I laughing. You are the best big brother to both Trace & Peyton (who adores you more than life itself).

  • Height: 42 inches
  • Weight: 41 lbs
  • Reading: Excellent – you will hopefully finish kinder a reading level ahead of where you are expected to be
  • Favorite Book: Bible / Dr. Seuss – Hop on Pop
  • Favorite Movie: Wreck it Ralph
  • Favorite Character: John Cena (wrestling)
  • Favorite Sport: Baseball (showing interest in basketball)
  • Favorite Team: Texans
  • Biggest Compliment from others: “How do you wipe that smile off his face? He is always such a happy kid”


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