Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sitting Up

So I am having a hard time balancing life as I know it! Working full time, taking care of the boys, my body, my house and my husband has caused me to fall behind on blogging. I have quickly learned that no matter how organized I am something always seems to fall behind. One week it was laundry, the next I didn’t work out and lately it has been the blog. I assume when the boys leave for college I will have time to sit and blog about all the sweet nothings that happen in my life, but until then something will have to wait!

Trace is growing like a weed! I cannot believe how quickly time is flying by. He is 7 months old now, has 2 teeth, sits up, starting to scoot and says Dada! This post is to show how my sweet boy can sit up all by himself. Now he has been doing this since Mother’s Day weekend, but I didn’t take a SINGLE picture from that day. So sad because it was full of family out on the lake! Trace has mastered sitting up on his own, playing with toys and reaching for things all while keeping his balance!! I am so proud of my little man. It definitely helps that he sits up, gives me a little break to do a few other things!

Trace LOVES to clap two toys together to hear the sound they make. He is a very noisy little boy, but that’s ok with me!


Laughing at his favorite person in the whole wide world, DADDY!


Reaching for toys is big for him too. He does really well at not losing his balance! DSC08325

I love this face because I get it all of the time. He was giving me attitude (which he does when Daddy is home).


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