Friday, August 5, 2011

It wasn’t me

Trace is officially eating table food. He has decided that since he has 6 teeth almost that baby food is for the dogs! I stocked up on puffs and other foods for him to enjoy. This weekend I was sitting with him in the living room and made him a bowl of snacks. He still had a few in the bowl when I walked off to check on dinner. Apparently he felt he needed more…

What Mom, what are you looking at? Summer 2011 2 005Notice the puffs all over the floor and the Dad on the coach (totally oblivious)

Oh this? Oh it’s just a quick snack! Summer 2011 2 004

This boy is into everything!! I can’t believe he is 9 months old, crawling, trying to walk and into everything! I look forward to many future messes to come!

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