Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Trace – 15 Months

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I guess this post is better late than never! Trace has done quite a bit since his 12 month post! He is growing up so fast and developing his own little personality. Lately in the evenings (when we are actually home) when I am cooking dinner he SCREAMS for attention. It is hard to cook dinner and play with your 15 month old without someone getting hurt. Finally I decided to give him a spoon and a bowl and set him on the counter with me. He had a blast! I am learning how to handle his temperament and neediness. I am also learning to enjoy and embrace this age since baby #3 will be here soon and I will feel like I’m totally missing out on Trace being so little. It is one of my main goals to make sure he doesn’t get Middle Child Syndrome (unless he turns out independent and successful like his parents who are both middle children!)

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  • Weight: 23 lbs
  • Height: Not Sure, but growing like a weed
  • Words: Dada, Trenton, Brother, Ball, Elephant, Milk, Please, Thank You, No, Stacy, Mama, Snack, Sock, Shoe, Uh Oh
  • Signs: Milk, More, Please
  • Loves: Putting on and taking off his shoes, being tickled upside down, eating at the big table, feeding himself, playing outside, throwing balls, hitting balls, kicking balls, anything related to a ball, Kisses, copying big brother, Pointing and showing us what you want
  • Areas to grow: Temper tantrums, Running in the street, screaming in the car seat, hitting Mommy in the face

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This is the Uh-Oh face when his spaghetti landed on the table!

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I love my sweet, independent, strong willed little boy. He is a lot like both of his stubborn, independent and strong willed parents. We are learning how to redirect his behavior with hugs, kisses, tickles and the occasional time out!

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