Monday, May 21, 2012

Pre-School Graduation (Lil Texans 2012)

Well Trenton has officially graduated from Pre-School and will entering the wonderful world of public kindergarten! We are so proud of our little guy. The day before his graduation we received his Pre-K evaluation and he MASTERED EVERYTHING! Gene and I feel like he is a smart little guy, but this evaluation proved that he is absolutely ready for kinder!

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Walking into the ceremony!

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His pre-school class sang several of their favorite songs and both teachers read very sweet poems.

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He was super excited to graduate. He kept asking all week about it!

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Ms. Diana was Trenton’s teacher for the past year. She has done such an amazing job in getting the kids ready for kinder and I have really appreciated all that Trenton has learned from her this year.

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Ms. Stacy was never his teacher, but she was the director when we started and the reason we chose this pre-school! Her sweet little twin boys are in Trace’s class.

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Trenton singing songs with his friend Skylar.

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Each graduate got a trophy, certificate of completion and snack cup. Trenton was very excited over the trophy.

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So proud!

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My little guy and me (disregard my horrific look since I am feeling a lot under weather that day)

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Daddy and Trenton

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Trenton and his little friend Skylar – She gives me a full report on Trenton’s behavior daily and also expresses how Trenton will not hug her any more (which secretly makes me smile)

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