Monday, January 21, 2013

Riley Christmas – Silly Cousins

There are a total of 14 grandchildren on the Riley side! To say Christmas is crazy is an understatement. We typically have it at Mom & Dad’s because they have the most space to accommodate all of the kids. My parents have a huge playroom in the back and yard! It is great to go over there and not have to worry about the kids. The older kids watch the little kids so the parents get to relax!


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Aunt Laurie & Peyton

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Miranda & Coby

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Sonya, me, Laurie & Peyton

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Sonya & Mandilynn

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Tony & Michael (best buds)

I made a buffalo chicken dip that they thought was AMAZING!

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Logan, Andrew & Coby

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Sweet Mama kisses!

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Tony & Sonya

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One of our little photographers! Maddie is so sweet and goofy. Her and Jaycie did an amazing job of capturing every moment on this crazy day!

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The glasses! I am not even sure where these came from, but they seemed to pop up everywhere and several joined in the fun!

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Brothers playing in the wagon. I like how they take turns pulling each other!

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Basketball is always a must at my parents house. Everyone joins in the fun!

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